Wednesday, October 7, 2015

6th grade Express the Music

We are about to start an awesome endeavor. Sponsored by the St. Louis Symphony, middle schoolers are going to take part in the "Express the Music" program. We will take some class time to listen to a specific piece of music (Mendelssohn's Scherzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream) and the students will write a creative piece inspired by the music. It is going to be fun! Seven stories will be entered in the competition to be judged for possible prizes.

Here is the 6C padlet we will use for brainstorming.
Here is the 6H padlet we will use for brainstorming.
Here is the music for you to listen to on your own time if you would like.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Please check this blog throughout the year to get a first-hand look of what the 6th graders are learning and working on in 6th grade English. I hope to update with pictures/videos of activities and projects but also links and videos to supplement homework and learning.

Please notice the tabs at the top of the page. I will be using them as a gathering place for information and links the students will need throughout the year.

Don't hesitate in asking any questions.

Students, use this blog for useful information and handouts. You can find those on the tabs at the top of this page.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Verb Practice Test

We will be completing and reviewing verbs today before the test. 6H will take the test on Friday, 3/27, and 6C will take the test on Monday, 3/30.

There will also be a sentence writing component to the test, which will not be on the practice test.

Practice Test

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Albers' Grammar Police...

This sign was in an elevator at my grandmother's retirement center. How could you rewrite it to make the message easier to understand?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Chapter 1 Pre Test (Sentence and its Parts)

Here is the chapter 1 English pre-test. We are going over the answers in class. 6H has the test on Wednesday and 6C will take the test on Thursday.

Chapter 1 Pre Test

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Almost time for the first grammar test!

It's hard to believe we are already ready for our first "big" test of the year! The 6th graders have been hard at work in English. I wanted to give a quick explanation of our schedule so you are aware of when standing assignments are due.

Language Minute
*At the beginning of most classes, there will be an extra credit opportunity for students who choose to be in class on time.

*Spelling occurs consecutively for three. At the fourth week, we will work on vocabulary.
*A spelling pre-test is given on the first English class of the week. If a student gets 100% on this pre-test they do not have to take the test on the last class of the week. The pre-test does not count as a grade.
*The spelling test is always on the last class of the week. There are two challenge words for extra credit on each test.
*A spelling lesson is assigned for every unit. This assignment is due on the last class of the week. Students do not complete every part of the spelling lesson. They should know which parts they do and which they don't. They must complete the first page in cursive.

*A grammar lesson is taught nearly every class. A ten question homework assignment is assigned nearly every class, as well. Certain times there will also be a writing component to the assignment. Students must pay attention to how the homework is set up in class, as I often ask the students to follow my directions instead of the book directions. We always go through at least one problem as an example.
*A test will be at the end of each unit. The class before the test the students do a pre-test in class and we go over the answers to help them study.

*On Wednesday class days, the focus is on writing. We use the program Step Up to Writing at CCLS. The first months are spent reviewing and understanding the organization process and then small writing assignments are given, usually paragraph in length, leading up to longer writing assignments.

*Once every fourth week, students work through a specific vocabulary lesson. The vocab lesson will have twenty words. The lesson is due on the last class of the week. There is no test for vocabulary.

Right now in grammar we are at the end of our capitalization unit (all review!) and will be going on to punctuation next.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Please check this blog throughout the year to get a first-hand look of what the 6th graders are learning and working on in 6th grade English. I hope to update with pictures/videos of activities and projects but also links and videos to supplement homework and learning.

Please notice the tabs at the top of the page. I will be using them as a gathering place for information and links the students will need throughout the year.

Don't hesitate in asking any questions.

Students, use this blog for useful information and handouts. You can find those on the tabs at the top of this page.